lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

The wild Thomberrys

Hi! Today I’ll tell you about a tv show I loved when I was a child (I must say I still like this programme): The Wild Thomberrys.

I don’t remember exactly since when I started watching it, I just know that it was on around noon when I was at elementary school. Back then my school day started at two o’clock pm, which alow me to watch morning cartoons everyday  :D

The one I liked the most was “The wild Thomberrys”; it was about an Australian family who traveled to exotic places around the world because of the parent’s job: they were wildlife documentary filmmakers. So they traveled with their two daughters, a wild child they adopted and a chimpanzee, and had the craziest adventures every episode.

My favourite part of the show was the catch of it: the main carácter, Eliza Thomberry, who is the youngest child of the family, had a wonderful secret: she was able to communicate with animals!! Literally, she spoke to animals, and they warned her about the danger she was put on, or helped her to solved the episode’s trouble, it was amazing.

Besides, I liked that it showed (drawn, of course) many exotic places of the planet: Madagascar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, etc. The first time I knew form the Kilimanjaro was in this show when I was about six years, aldo I corroborated the information about it with my dad later, at that time he was my Geography guide.

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