sábado, 8 de junio de 2013

A famous person I'd like to meet

Hello everyone, now I'll talk to you about a famous person I'd like to meet; I'd like to meet many of famous people, nevertheless this choise was an easy one... the famous person I would like to meet since I was a child (yes, a child) is Kurt Cobain.
I do not remember when I heard my fist Nirvana song, I just know that I had love him all of my adolescence !
All articules about his life mention that he wasn't a sociable person, but I know in my heart he was nice.
If I could meet him I would not talk about his music and fame, because he didn't like being famous, I just talk about music in general, I'd ask him if teach me play the guitar and staff like that, and just admire him playing and talking about anything. We could also have party, but I would not follow him in his drugs stuff, because I don't like it. Also, if I could travel in time and talk to him in the past I'd tell him not to marry with Courtney Love, I think she's a mean person and didn't help him or care about him at all.
I imagine all good music he would create if he still be alive, I guess I have to accept his fate and just enjoy the Nirvana records as the most important part of Kurt Cobain's legacy to world music and his fans, like me.

2 comentarios:

  1. I love many songs by Nirvana! This band had bleak kind of music that you feel in their lyrics and sound!
    See you :)

  2. Poor story of him, like so many others :(
