sábado, 13 de julio de 2013

Crime and Punishment

Hi everyone ! Today I have to write about a book I enjoyed reading. First, History: when I was younger I was an assiduous reader, I read different kinds of books, I didn’t chosen them based on topic, but just for what I’ve heared of it or if it had and interesting title. So I read novels, historical novels, fiction, biographical, etc. My favourite genre was (still is) magic realism by Gabriel García Márquez, even Isabel Allende.
But the book I’m going to write about is one that surprised me, Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. I readed  The brothers Karamazov before and I hated it, it was just too tedious, so I didn’t think I’d like this one. I only started to read it to give a second chance to Dostoyevsky, I remember  I thought “he is so famous, it must be for something”.
It was a wonderful surprise. I finished it very quickly because it is a very catching story about a young man in a low economic situation who plans to murder and steel money from a unpleasant old lady who has a lot of it. The book explores moral, dreams and all sort of main character, Raskolnikov, personal implications, with a detailed description of his insides and surroundings, in mid XIX century Russia, for what I remember at list. I readed it when I was 14 years old xd

It’s definitely one my top five books of my adolescence :)

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