jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Some thoughts about bullying

As Chilean, I have notice along my life that we have a teasing culture, the wrong habit to "joke" about others, until very annoying points. I'm not the kind of person that jokes around about people attributes or lack of attributes, but I growed watching it ocurred everywhere: first at school, between friends, between my relatives, in my own home; but I also notice that it happens at very different levels I mean, my brothers teasing each other about silly stuff its very funny to see, miles away from watching a friend suffering because of unscrupulous classmates. 
Maybe american culture has influenced a bit our society and has been a trigger for the expantion of bullying in Chile, but we can not "charge" them the blame for it. At some point in our recent History something has change and there has been increased physical and psichological violence, specially between children and adolescents, where in crowd drive violence to a small group of them or to a single person, with diverse impact on all of them, generally negative impact.
Fortunately, I have not been a bullying target neither a bully, but  I did saw friends been disturbed by other classmates, since kindergarden, and its something hard to see. Friends from high school even had to get medical help (psychiatrical), because of the extended acts of bullying performed by people of my same age, and I believe I never going to understand them, why they did that? did they enjoy hurting people like that? 
Over the time I have saw some of the bullies, at university for example, and they seem have the same attitude that they had in high school : they behave like they didn't did anything wrong. It's shoking.
I hope this popular behavior ends someday, or stop being so popular so kids don't learn to do it, and they do not become adult bullies.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013


Santiago is Chile's capital city. It is also the most populated city of the country, around six million people live in a 641,4 km² area, so is a very crowded city surrounded by a high mountain range, very distinctive of the city.

It is administrative and financial capital of Chile; most companies, Chilean and foreign, have their offices in the North East area of the city, commonly known as “cono oriente”, where also live the richest part of Santiago and Chile’s population.

In the outskirts of the city are most of manufacturing industries, while majority of services are closest to the urban area, that is to say, farther away from centre and/or “cono oriente” you get, farther you are from good quality services.

This unequal use of the city causes transport problems; public transport system it’s a low quality one, especially on suburbs and downtown. Underground and bus are the most used kinds of transport in this city.

There are many places to eat and drink in Santiago, many restaurants, cafés and bars in the commercial areas, but a typical place to visit for this matter could be La Vega Central, it is located near the city’s centre, to the north side of Mapocho River. It is well-known as a traditional and big market, and it has a lot of places where they sell typical Chilean food with accesible prices, but I think that the best of it is the friendly environment.

Other place you have to visit in Santiago is San Cristobal Hill, at Parque Metropolitano de Santiago. It has a zoo, two swimming pools, a Japanese-style garden, a funicular, many green areas where is possible to do sports, and a sanctuary dedicated to the Immaculate Conception on the top of the hill, with a statue that can be seen from almost any place near to Santiago's downtown.

Santiago has many cultural and entertainment centers, like musseums, theatres, galleries and cinemas, its just a matter of taste choosing where to go and enjoy.

jueves, 25 de julio de 2013

Hi ! I would like to tell you about a song I like; it is Nirvana’s version of The man who sold the world. Originally, this song belongs to David Bowie, but I think Nirvana’s performance is better, so sorry Bowie’s fans xD

In 1994, Nirvana played an unplugged tv concert for MTV, in which they played fourteen songs, some of their most emblematic ones and covers from other bands and musicians. The most interesting aspect of this show was that the songs were played on acoustic version, that made stand out Nirvana member’s musical skills.
I like all songs that were played, but my favourite as I said before is The man who sold the world, I love the the sound of doublé bass on background, the soft drums and spectacular guitar performance and melancholic  singing of Kurt Cobain, who I also love hahahah

I think it is the kind of song everyone knows about , even if they do not like this type of music; must be a classic rock song since it was released. It is definitely one my favourites of all time. I even have it as ringtone of my Smartphone.

domingo, 14 de julio de 2013

San Cristobal hill

Hello :D I’d like to write about a place that I like in Santiago: it is San Cristobal hill.
San Cristobal hill is located in the centre of the city, on the north of Mapocho river. It can be seen from almost all parts of the city joined with Immaculate Conception monument on its peak are a city’s symbol.
With Tupahue hill form the Parque Metropolitano de Santiago, which is I think the biggest urban park of the country. It is a beautiful part of the city, very touristical. There is a zoo, places to do barbecue, Immaculate Conception sanctuary, a Japanese Garden, etc. It’s a nature wonder and it’s also a fantastic place to do light trekking, running or mountain bike.
I used to go all the time when I was younger because I lived in Santiago’s downtown, ; now, miles away from this place so I haven’t be there since my first year of college. Back then we planed a reaunion before classes started so we could meet and didn’t went alone to faculty activities xD It was an enjoyable time.

My favourite place of San Cristobal hill it’s the Japanese Garden, because its quiet and beautiful, is how I imagine Japan is.

sábado, 13 de julio de 2013

Crime and Punishment

Hi everyone ! Today I have to write about a book I enjoyed reading. First, History: when I was younger I was an assiduous reader, I read different kinds of books, I didn’t chosen them based on topic, but just for what I’ve heared of it or if it had and interesting title. So I read novels, historical novels, fiction, biographical, etc. My favourite genre was (still is) magic realism by Gabriel García Márquez, even Isabel Allende.
But the book I’m going to write about is one that surprised me, Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. I readed  The brothers Karamazov before and I hated it, it was just too tedious, so I didn’t think I’d like this one. I only started to read it to give a second chance to Dostoyevsky, I remember  I thought “he is so famous, it must be for something”.
It was a wonderful surprise. I finished it very quickly because it is a very catching story about a young man in a low economic situation who plans to murder and steel money from a unpleasant old lady who has a lot of it. The book explores moral, dreams and all sort of main character, Raskolnikov, personal implications, with a detailed description of his insides and surroundings, in mid XIX century Russia, for what I remember at list. I readed it when I was 14 years old xd

It’s definitely one my top five books of my adolescence :)

lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

The wild Thomberrys

Hi! Today I’ll tell you about a tv show I loved when I was a child (I must say I still like this programme): The Wild Thomberrys.

I don’t remember exactly since when I started watching it, I just know that it was on around noon when I was at elementary school. Back then my school day started at two o’clock pm, which alow me to watch morning cartoons everyday  :D

The one I liked the most was “The wild Thomberrys”; it was about an Australian family who traveled to exotic places around the world because of the parent’s job: they were wildlife documentary filmmakers. So they traveled with their two daughters, a wild child they adopted and a chimpanzee, and had the craziest adventures every episode.

My favourite part of the show was the catch of it: the main carácter, Eliza Thomberry, who is the youngest child of the family, had a wonderful secret: she was able to communicate with animals!! Literally, she spoke to animals, and they warned her about the danger she was put on, or helped her to solved the episode’s trouble, it was amazing.

Besides, I liked that it showed (drawn, of course) many exotic places of the planet: Madagascar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, etc. The first time I knew form the Kilimanjaro was in this show when I was about six years, aldo I corroborated the information about it with my dad later, at that time he was my Geography guide.

sábado, 8 de junio de 2013

A famous person I'd like to meet

Hello everyone, now I'll talk to you about a famous person I'd like to meet; I'd like to meet many of famous people, nevertheless this choise was an easy one... the famous person I would like to meet since I was a child (yes, a child) is Kurt Cobain.
I do not remember when I heard my fist Nirvana song, I just know that I had love him all of my adolescence !
All articules about his life mention that he wasn't a sociable person, but I know in my heart he was nice.
If I could meet him I would not talk about his music and fame, because he didn't like being famous, I just talk about music in general, I'd ask him if teach me play the guitar and staff like that, and just admire him playing and talking about anything. We could also have party, but I would not follow him in his drugs stuff, because I don't like it. Also, if I could travel in time and talk to him in the past I'd tell him not to marry with Courtney Love, I think she's a mean person and didn't help him or care about him at all.
I imagine all good music he would create if he still be alive, I guess I have to accept his fate and just enjoy the Nirvana records as the most important part of Kurt Cobain's legacy to world music and his fans, like me.