lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

I'd like to talk to you about a good friend of mine. Her name is Anaisa, we met at primary school in 5th grade.
We went to the same school since 1st grade, but in different groups, so we became friends when  we were put together in the same group.We became friends because our similar personality and music taste, besides our love for animals.
We thought that our friendship could suffer when we graduate in 8th grade from primary school but It didn't, the first grade of secondary we went to different schools but the next year her parents put her in my school because they believe the other school wasn't a good one, so luckily we saw each other every day until we finished secondary.
Now in college we see each other less then before but we still are close, I think. xD She's the kind of friend that you know is still there, even though we can´t get together very offen. I always have thought that friends we made at school are the best, because knowing a person since infancy or adolescence allow you to see every facet of them, and they know everything too. When we go to college its harder to find friends like that, a proof of that is that I met my best friend Yannira at school too.
So I hope Anaisa and me will be friends for many years, and when she graduates and become the best best vet on our country xd she will take care of our other best friends, our pets.

domingo, 28 de abril de 2013

La Casa de los Diez

Hi, I want to tell you about a building that I like, more precisely, a building that I love… It is “La Casa de los Diez” in Santiago’s downtown. It is located at Santa Rosa Avenue and Tarapacá Street.
In the past it was used by Chilean artists as their “friendship house”; they met there for social gathering, they also discussed and created art and conformed a new and own Chilean art that according to them didn’t exist until that moment, it was just a copy from European art. This crew was form by over ten chilean painters, writers, musicians, architects, journalists, etc. like  Pedro Prado and Augusto D’Halmar. Aldo the mansion date back to 1850, they modificated to the actual state after 1900.
I don’t think that people know about the house history, it was declared as a national monument by Chilean State but it isn’t open to visit. As you walk around there you can see the contrast that it cause against the other buildings that are for residential use. I think their very ugly hahah.
I like the building because of what it represents, when I walk over there I imagine all the great things that the distinguished people who lived there made, how they symbolize the beginning of actual Chilean art, non an imitation of foreign one.

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Hi ! I'd like to tell you about one of my favorite photography’s, and I actually took it on my tenth birthday. It was a festive time (obviously), and I was taking pictures of everything and everyone. Back then, a new family member had arrived about two months ago; it was my dog. Her name was Almendra and she was a really beautiful puppy, and she did seem to enjoy the party too, playing and running all over my house, so in a moment she was running in my direction  and I grab and focus the camera really quickly and ¡FLASH! .. I thought that I had not taken it well, and I didn’t know it was a great picture until it was developed and print, because it was and old camera we had at the time.So when my mom brought my birthday pictures to my house and see Almendra’s one it was an hilarious moment, it appears to show Almendra floating in the air and her ears are lift like cat’s ears xd I like the picture because its really funny to see and also because she isn’t with us now, she’s in dog’s heaven :)

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

Hello readers, I want to talk to you about a trip I had made every year since I can remember.
I was born in Santiago and I lived here since then. My mother is from here too but my dad isn't. He arrived here in late 80's from Temuco; he's from the south outskirts of that city known as Maquehue.
So when I was about two years old I started to travel there with him every summer and spend about a month visiting my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins that live there and in other cities in La Araucanía region.
In Maquehue live my grandparents; in a small piece of land they raise animals and cultivate vegetables, fruits and wheat.
The place has fantastic landscapes around it. I never get bored there because there are always things to do; feeding the animals, go to the river near by the house or just take a walk its very entertainment and relaxing for me.
Therefore, I wait long for the day of the trip came, and I will enjoy the magnificence of nature on that part of Chile and of course, my paternal family company.