lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

Hi, this suppost to be the first post on my blog, but I forgot to do it ... haha. So, I'm Bernadita, a Geography student from Chile, I'm twenty one years old and I hope that you like what I'll be posting. 
Today I'm going to tell you about my cat's stress week. I had to move from my former house into a new one, and it wasn't a pleassure trip for no one in my family, aldo we move to a house in the same neighborhood. The most affected was my cat, apparently cats are very territorial animals, they make their houses and surroundings their "kingdoms". The day of the house moving we take everything to our new home and I carry my cat in the end, so he could see all of our staff and didn't be scare.. We hoped, and we were wrong; he was so frightened that he try to scape and when we arrive he didn't move at all.
After that, he didn't eat or drink water and we thought that he was sick. Me and my mother we're very concerned so we forced him to at list drink some water. 
A few days later he return to life like nothing had happened and we were very relieve about it.. we return to life with him.

2 comentarios:

  1. I had a cat too. He's a bit crazy. He wasn't very happy when we moved house either but now he's ok (I think!!).

  2. Poor cat, he lost his kingdom!! hahaha I'm sure he'll become the new king of the neighborhood. I wish I had a cat! they're so funny
