lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

My favorite piece of technology is... my smartphone.

I never had ultimate technology objects because their very expensive, so I usually got them when their price was lower (like my computer, music players, and of course, cell phones),. But last winter I lost the cellphone that my dad (with so much effort I must say) gave to me on my birthday in January. I was devastated, because of been irresponsible I had no cell phone, I was disconnected from the world.. Ok, it may sound like I'm a drama queen, but that was how I felt about it.

I thought that I had gone back to using an ancient cellphone but my parents, as always came to my rescue and bought me the amazing smartphone that I have actually. I worship it really; it's beautiful and it allow me comunicate with my friends and relatives that I haven't seeing in a long time. Sometimes it gets kind of slow, but I forgive him because it's a wonderful piece of technology.

1 comentario:

  1. My cellphone is a piece of trash, maybe I should ask somebody to buy me one =) I'll ask my parents too
